An update in the near future will contain online mode - Demo 4.

The savefile for the demo is expected to be used for the full-game. The demo contains two whole chapters with about 4-6 hours of gameplay. This is the fourth demo of a Battle Network fan-game called MMBN: Chrono X. Try out the demo via the button below, and be sure to involve yourself in the project 1 2 3 4 5 Happy April 1 fanboys and girls O hai there people of the interwebz,its Tommy again reporting from the Chrono X team. but no need to worry about that anymore! Check below for the info about the game and the team that has been putting this together! MegaMan Battle Network: Chrono X Tweets by mmbncx Chrono X is the WIP fully fan-made 7th entry in the Mega Man Battle Network series. It's been a while since I've played this game, I think since MMBN6 actually (so 2006!) and it's a series that always got me hooked! Wish they would have made this game series go on since Star Force wasn't really the same. Just telling you guys that I scored us a new affiliation: The MegaMan Melee. Try out the demo via the button below, and be sure to involve yourself in the project 1 2 3 4 5 A new ally Wow, an update at nearly 3AM EST. Capcom reveals that Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection will feature the return of Mega Mans voice actor from the NT Warrior anime. Note: THIS IS NOT A HACK! THIS IS AN ACTUAL COMPUTER GAME THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD. Tweets by mmbncx Chrono X is the WIP fully fan-made 7th entry in the Mega Man Battle Network series. Like, comment and subscribe! (It really helps!)