How to receive imessages to and reply from phone number
How to receive imessages to and reply from phone number

how to receive imessages to and reply from phone number how to receive imessages to and reply from phone number

Scroll down and tap on Messages to view your iMessage configuration.Launch Settings from the home screen of your iPhone.Whether you are doing it for privacy or security reasons, you can easily use an email instead of a phone number for iMessage on iPhone & iPad. Learn how to use an email instead of a phone number for iMessage on iPhone & iPad Here’s a simple guide you can follow to use an email instead of a phone number for iMessage. However, Apple does let users change this setting in iMessage configurations. If you have ever wanted to hide your phone number or stop using it permanently for iMessage, you can use an email address instead. When you set up iMessage on iPhone, your phone number is used by default.

How to receive imessages to and reply from phone number