The Santiago gets stranded inland by an ancient storm, sitting atop of rocks on the edge of a cliff. The wreck of the Santiago Juan Ponce de León sails the Santiago to an island where he discovers the Fountain of Youth. The treasure ultimately ended up on Isla de Muerta. When Cortés refuses to stop his conquest, the Heathen Gods place a curse upon the treasure, so that anyone who took but one coin from the chest would become undead skeletons. Isla de MuertaThe Aztecs deliver to Cortés a stone chest containing 882 identical pieces of Aztec gold, as blood money to appease his slaughter. Hernán Cortés conquers the Aztec empire with his armies and wielding the Sword of Cortés.Juan Ponce de León discovers Florida while discovering the marvels of the New World in his search for the Fountain of Youth.Hernán Cortés is born in Medellín, Extremadura, in Castile.Juan Ponce de León born in Santervás de Campos, Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain.2 Dates in relation to The Curse of the Black Pearl.